Tuesday, February 8, 2011

phrasal verbs and idioms


  1. thanks for posting this book. I´ve flicked through it and it´s excellent to practise during the course (or years, it´s so much but is really good).

  2. Inma,I have tried to print some pages but I can´t. I need to pay or upload a document!! Do you know a way to print scribd without paying?
    By de way, I have found another similar book, in "issue". I think I like more your book, but in issue you can print it free, and it´s also interesting. This is the link: http://issuu.com/soro88/docs/phrasal_verbs_and_idioms

  3. I got it!! I´ve got the whole book in pdf, ready to print!! If somebody is interested in, I've used 4shared.

  4. I've uploaded a document of mine, and I'd had to log in my facebook but it's done and I have the PDF like Mari Carmen says, ready to be printed.
    Thank you!

  5. Yes guys, by uploading a document you get it right away...I didn't know the 'issuu.com' site M. Carmen, so thanks a lot!

  6. Interesting indeed, Mari Carmen, and very convinient to read even online...thank you!
