Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Some Fun :-)

Funny Complaint Letter

Our friend Sebastian (5th F) sent this hilarious text and I'm still laughing! :)) Thanks a lot for sharing it!

Hope it brings laughter to all of you too, enjoy!


  1. poor thing...
    And the little introduction -above the letter itself- is fully appropiate, indeed!
    thanks for sharing!

  2. Funny written, but its sounds terrific! I would´t be so hilarious if this would happend to me... must be frustrated and I bet he won´t get the 18 pounds.

    I think the guy has been brave complaining that way, I would have felt like killing the driver.

    I can picture the scene... poor thing... It is makes me think that probably everyone have had an outrageous experience like this in some way in our lifes, and it is good nature take it so positive and make fun of it.

  3. Of course I think the fun in this story is the way in which the guy expresses himself and explain the facts, not the facts themselves which were totally unacceptable...
