Monday, November 1, 2010

About perception, good commercial


  1. Oh, my God! I didn´t notice any of them so, I think cyclists and pedestrians should be frightened about me!

  2. hahaha....
    I was too absorbed trying to listen to them...even the second time I didn't notice but a few of the 21 changes...
    What a complex add! However, it was funny look the people who made the changes during the add...

  3. I didn't even notice when my wife changes the furniture at home. Too hard for me.

  4. Lol (which means 'laughing out loud'). Thank you guys for your comments :)

  5. I didn´t notice any changes. I was trying to understand what the characters were saying. When I see the end of the ad, I cannot believe I wasn´t able to notice anything. I thought I was observant!
    The commercial is funny and makes you think about the details around yourself that you never see.

  6. Absolutely gorgeous!

    If I would get a spanish version, I will use it for my student! I find fantastic this kind of creative prevention because I hate when they used scaring ang bloody pictures.

    By the way, someone knows what is the exactly translation for "gorgeous"??? and, Have I writte it right?.....

    And of course that I discover the 21 changes.....

    Lol, lol, lol....


    gorgeous adj
    1 (=lovely)
    [object, scenery, colour, music] precioso
    [food, wine] delicioso, riquísimo
    [weather] espléndido, magnífico
    she wears the most gorgeous clothes lleva una ropa preciosa
    gorgeous silks and jewels sedas y joyas preciosas or espléndidas
    oh! it's absolutely gorgeous! ¡oh! ¡es una preciosidad!
    the garden looks absolutely gorgeous el jardín está precioso
    it smells gorgeous huele delicioso
    this tastes gorgeous está riquísimo
    the weather was gorgeous hacía un tiempo espléndido or magnífico
    what a gorgeous day! ¡hace un día precioso or espléndido!

    2 * (=beautiful)
    [woman] guapísimo, precioso
    [man] guapísimo
    [child, baby] riquísimo * , monísimo *
    [eyes, hair] precioso
    he/she's gorgeous! ¡es guapísimo/guapísima!
    hello, gorgeous! * (to woman) ¡hola, preciosa! * , (to man) ¡hola, guapo! *

  8. It's really fun! I'll send the link to my cyclist friends!! Maybe I should send it to DGT too.... :)
